Formsprag Clutch
FSO Overrunning Clutches

FSO clutches are used on multi-speed, one direction only conveyors for non-destructive accommodation of speed differentials in powered rollers and belt drive systems. The FSO clutch allows the slower speed zone to over-speed during the transitional period without back driving the slower drive system.
These clutches are available with FDA approved food grade greases and a variety of surface coatings required for wash down duty.
- 11 different sizes 275 to 27,000 lb. ft.
- Bore Range: 0.5 to 7.0 in.
- Speed Range: 0 to 3,600 RPM
- Temperature Range: -40 to +150º F
- Truly rebuildable to reduce long term operating cost
- Outer diameter of Outer Race is ground for use as a piloting or mounting surface for attaching parts